Personal Loans
Get a secured or unsecured loan at favourable rates for anything for which you can provide an invoice
Borrow as little as $100,000
As much as $2,500.000
Secured or Unsecured Loans
If you are employed for over six (6) months, you can access to a personal unsecured loan for up to $2,500,000 that can be used for anything for which you can provide an invoice.
- You must be 18 years or older and a Jamaican
- Job letter (Must be employed for at least 6 months)
- Last three (3) pay slips
- 12 months bank statements
- Taxpayer Identification Number (TRN)
- Valid identification (Driver's License, Passport, Voter's ID)
- Proof of Address (ex. Utility Bill, Credit Card statement)
- Salary deduction letter
Get Started
Why choose BridgepointJA?
- Hassle-Free
- Low Application Fee!
- Secure Application
- 100% Online
- Fast approval process
- Multiple options